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Data Collection Methods for Research and Evaluation Projects

Course Number
5100 (Social and Behavioural Health Science)
Course Instructor(s)

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to prepare graduate students for the collection of quantitative and generation of qualitative data for research and evaluation projects.  Using interactive weekly sessions, students will learn how to choose between and implement a variety of methods. Students will also learn how to align their projects to social justice-oriented agendas, assess issues of representation and positionality and use community-based research approaches. For each method, we will examine common challenges and mistakes, and threats to validity, trustworthiness and fidelity.   We will focus on the most used and a few novel methods of data collection and generation.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Select when and how to use different methods of sampling and recruitment
  • Critically assess the relative benefits and weaknesses of each data collection and generation method
  • Consider when and how to implement an explicit community-based and social justice approach to research
  • Develop data collection and generation implementation processes and anticipate/solve problems
  • Identify ethical issues related to each data method
  • Critically assesse threats to validity and credibility and anticipate these can be addressed
  • As part of a group, design and implement a data collection or generation method
  • Prepare a project management plan.

Methods of Assessment

Assignment 0 – TCPS2 Training 0%
Assignment 1: Sampling and recruitment proposal 30%
Assignment 2: Group assignment and presentation of data collection method 35%
Assignment 3: Project management plan 35%