Discover our Institutes and Centres

Institute of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation (IHPME)
In 2014, IHPME a global leader in health policy, health services and clinical epidemiology, joined the School, creating one of the world’s largest public health schools with a shared vision of improving health and health systems. IHPME translates experience into evidence to set best practices and deliver better health outcomes. By bridging the gaps between clinical, organizational and policy, IHPME makes significant contributions in system design, performance management, health policy and economics, health services research, quality improvement and patient safety.
Visit the IHPME website
Centre for Occupational Disease Prevention (CODP)
While the Centre for Occupational Disease Prevention was launched in 2023, the University of Toronto (U of T) has contributed to the field of occupational health and safety for over 100 years. U of T is unique in Canada for offering English language training in all of epidemiology, occupational hygiene and occupational medicine.
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Institute for Pandemics (IP)
The world’s first academic centre dedicated exclusively to preventing, preparing for, fighting and recovering from pandemics.
Forged by our experts’ front-line experience fighting COVID-19, drawn from our deep history in public health and health systems, and ignited by the vision of tech-savvy supporters, the Institute is urgently committed to help Canada and our planet. Starting now.
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Centre for Vaccine Preventable Diseases (CVPD)
With leadership housed at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, we are developing an interdisciplinary group of academic researchers, educators and public health advocates. Our vision is to catalyze cutting-edge research and education that maximizes the health benefits of immunization for everyone. We aim to contribute locally and globally to healthy communities through excellence in interdisciplinary vaccine-preventable disease and immunization research and education.
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Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB)
The JCB is a global leader in population health and health system ethics, putting theory into practice for the public’s health. As the first World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Bioethics, the JCB is dedicated to anticipating and addressing complex global ethical issues of contemporary health systems through bioethics research, education and practice in partnership with other academic and health sector institutions.
Visit the JCB website
Centre for Global Health (CGH)
The Centre for Global Health is the knowledge hub of global health educational activities at DLSPH and views global health in an integrative manner. The Centre for Global Health offers multidisciplinary graduate education in global health, student practicum placements, seminars, lectures, and other training and career opportunities. It partners with research institutions around the world, to host visiting scholars (graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and other researchers) and support student and faculty research at the DLSPH.
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Waakebiness Institute for Indigenous Health (WIIH)
The Institute aims to promote the health of Indigenous peoples — one of the biggest inequity issues facing Canadians — in Canada and globally using multidisciplinary, population and community-based participatory research approaches. Established in 2014 with a $10-million gift from Michael and Amira Dan, the Institute aspires to have a major impact on society by providing innovative solutions to promote thriving Indigenous communities. Following the gift, the School established an advisory committee dedicated to community-based collaboration, including key voices from Indigenous communities, to shape the Institute’s mission.
Find out more about the WIIH
Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research (CCQHR)
The Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, known as CQ, builds capacity in the health sciences to advance critical and theoretically-informed qualitative inquiry. As a hub for researchers, graduate students, and professors teaching and conducting qualitative research, CQ promotes research that addresses the socio-political dimensions of health and questions prevailing assumptions that naturalize health.
Visit the CQ website
Other Initiatives (OI)
DLSPH also has an array of initiatives managed and led by faculty members on a number of important public health issues.
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