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The Centre for Global Health is an academic hub for global health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. The Centre, catalyzes collaborative, interdisciplinary and equity-informed global health research, offers global health education and training across the education continuum, and works closely with strategic partners to build a global health network across the DLSPH.

Located in one of the most diverse cities in the world, we are leveraging our location and Canadian values of equity, universal healthcare and social protection to make an impact on the Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs). Universal health coverage (SDG3) is one of the major topics we are tackling along with other emerging and pressing global health issues.

Read all about the launch of our new Centre for Global Health

Past Event

The Centre for Global Health hosted a virtual panel on Wednesday June 26th on Embracing Trust, Interdisciplinarity and Alternative Data to Address Global Public Health Challenges. The Panel featured Neil Seeman, V. Kumar Murty, Sukarmina Singh Shankar and was moderated by Erica Di Ruggiero.

The link to the recording can be found here. 

How should we measure, manage and mitigate the major global health challenges of our time? Sustainability researcher Sukarmina Shankar, mathematician V. Kumar Murty of The Fields Institute, and IHPME Senior Fellow Neil Seeman will speak to three interdependent factors that are critical amid a complex and complex dynamic public health system: embracing trust, pursuing interdisciplinarity, and leveraging alternative data. What is trust? How do we measure it? What is interdisciplinarity? How can we apply it in a purposeful manner to advance public health scholarship? What is alternative data and how can we use it to address public health challenges? What do these concepts portend for leadership in public health and health systems? The speakers’ intertwined experiences amid COVID-19 have furthered their understanding about the importance of these overlapping factors. They are eager to share their learnings and to facilitate a dialogue to refine these concepts and to support future collaborations.

Executive Course in Global Health Diplomacy 2024

Returning for its fourth year, the Centre for Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Office of International Affairs for the Health Portfolio, Government of Canada, hosted the 2024 Executive Course on Global Health Diplomacy.

In the media – A coherent global health strategy would help Canada lead in the world

Applications are now closed but will open in the fall of 2024.

Global Health Diplomacy Discussion Panel June 2023

Towards a Global Health Strategy for Canada – The Centre for Global Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto has collaborated on the development of a draft discussion paper regarding the creation of a Global Health Strategy for Canada. The intention of this discussion paper is to propose a national global health strategy for Canada to drive global equitable and sustainable action.


Global Health Community

Educational & Training Programs

Co-curricular & Events

Global Health Research

Our Team




Collaborative Specialization in Global Health (CSGH)


Doctor of Public Health

Global Health Courses

Executive Course on Global Health Diplomacy

Health Inc: Corporations, capitalism, and commercial determinants of health

Women in Global Health Fellowship

Additional Programs

 Healthy Cities in the SDG Era Podcast



Postdoctoral Fellows

Visiting Leaders

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Collaborative to Strengthen the Implementation of UHC

Towards a Global Health Strategy for Canada


As outlined in the Academic plan, the DLSPH plans to host senior global health leaders, executives in residence and others who are stepping temporarily away from leadership roles in the health system. Some of these leaders will be engaged directly in the Centre’s activities, as mentors for our students, speakers in our annual lecture series on UHC, and collaborators with DLSPH faculty on research, short courses and other global health research activities with the potential for high impact. Priority will be given to leaders from priority regions identified in the plan, to women and other underrepresented groups. To date, the Centre has hosted one leader in line with its priority initiatives.

Prof. Ilona Kickbusch

Professor Kickbusch is the founder and chair of the Global Health Centre of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Previously, she served as the head of the global health division of Yale University and held various positions at the World Health Organization.

Shaping Canada’s Global Health Future  – This webinar featuring keynote speaker, Professor Ilona Kickbusch, took place virtually on March 24, 2021.


The John R. Evans Lectureship in Global Health was established by Dr. David Naylor, when he was The University of Toronto’s Dean of Medicine. The lectureship acknowledges the major role Dr. Evans played in the University of Toronto’s history and his global contributions to the advancement of human health and well-being.

Professor Agnes Binagwaho, keynote speaker, delivered a talk in on May 2nd, 2023 titled, “Global Health Equity & Covid-19 – Where do we go from here?”