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Indigenous Health Theory and Methods

Course Number
5500 (Indigenous Health)
Course Instructor(s)
Billie-​Jo Hardy

Course Description

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of Indigenous public health based in Indigenous scholarship. This course will be using the concept of Indigenous land-based knowledges as a framework, combined classroom lectures, discussions, demonstrations, client case studies, and health promotion practice exercises. The first part of the course will introduce students to Indigenous theory, the second part the basic principles, theory and ethics of Indigenous public health models, and lastly the course will focus specifically on both critical issues in cultural safety and biomedical programs/interventions such as cultural protocols, cultural conflicts, and racism.

Course Objectives

It is expected that students will learn basic Indigenous theories and models, which includes professional practices based on public health program activities. Students will explore Indigenous and biomedical health practices, in the context of decolonization and self-determination. The course will also address working with specific vulnerable populations groups including trauma survivors and examine specific models and protocols. Discussion of the ethics of the professional relationship and use of positionality in public health practices will be incorporated throughout the course.

Students will work together in small groups to develop and practice their knowledge of theory and models. Students must consider the appropriateness of what is disclosed from their inter-cultural and cross-cultural experiences in the classroom and to check in with the instructor if there are any questions or concerns about this process. Students will receive feedback on their practice sessions from the instructor and their classroom peers.

Methods of Assessment

Program Case Study 40%
Group Presentation 30%
Reflection Paper 20%
Participation 10%