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Professional Skills for Doctoral Students in Public Health

Course Number
5000 (DLSPH Core courses)
Course Instructor(s)
Carol Strike

Course Description

The course will focus on learner development of professional skills that are key to success within and outside of the academy. ‘Professional development is the active acquisition of skills, knowledge, and mindset to realize one’s strengths and potential in all environments. It sets up individuals for success in achieving their goals while giving them the ability to meet, exceed and adapt to personal, career and societal responsibilities within the context of a changing world’ (Source:

Course Objectives

The core competencies addressed in this course include:

  1. Integrity and ethics – the ability to identify, avoid and/or address conflict of interest, intellectual property, plagiarism, misuse of power and harassment in all forms.
  2. Fostering, respecting, and celebrating equity, diversity, and inclusion – ability to understand positionality, the merits of inclusive environments and how embrace equity, diversity and inclusion within your discipline.
  3. Leadership, mentorship and collaboration – ability to create, lead and sustain teams to achieve goals.
  4. Project Management – ability to develop, organize and coordinate a project from idea to completion.
  5. Interdisciplinary Work – ability to identify, use or combine approaches from multiple disciplines.
  6. Networking – ability to create and sustain professional relationships during and after graduate studies.
  7. Dialogue and negotiation – ability to understand varied perspectives and work towards win-win scenarios.
  8. Knowledge translation, communication and brokerage – ability to speak and write with purpose, expertise and integrity as is necessary within the learners discipline.

Methods of Assessment

Being re-developed.