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Seminars in Public Health

Course Number
4000 (Doctor of Public Health)
Course Instructor(s)
Ted Witek

Course Description

CHL4006H Seminars in Public Health is a continuous enrolment course conducted in over up to 9 in-person sessions in years 1-3 of the DrPH Program. The seminar includes sessions on basic skills utilized in a professional doctorate journey – e.g., library and search techniques, media training, ethics board – as well as special lectures, case studies and public health site visits.  This seminar balances the high portion of remote or hybrid classes in the DrPH program through in-person dialogue and interactive learning that explores a diversity of current public health issues.

Course Objectives

In these sessions students will:

  1. Engage in real world examples of leadership and governance to understand options and impact of decisions.
  2. Achieve a critical awareness of diverse disciplines and sectors impacting public health policy and execution.
  3. Develop or enhance basic skills required to complete a professional doctorate.
  4. Reflect on current public health issues in general and on specific areas of practice.
  5. Receive inputs and perspectives to inform the shaping of applied research projects.

Method of Assessment

This course is graded as CR/NCR.

Personal reflections (x 6 – 36%) Pass/Fail
Guest Editorial (x 4 – 20%) Pass/Fail
Dialogue Facilitation (x 2 – 24%) Pass/Fail
Mandatory Attendance (20%) Pass/Fail