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  • March 10, 2021 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics Seminar Series 2020-21


Tieghan Killackey, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Child Health Evaluative Sciences (CHES), The Hospital for Sick Children

About this Seminar:

Advance care planning (ACP) is the process of understanding and sharing personal values and goals to ensure people with serious illnesses receive healthcare and treatment that is consistent with their goals and preferences. With the increasing number of treatment options available to patients living with advanced chronic disease, ACP is regarded as a means of preserving individual autonomy throughout the illness trajectory. Despite significant public awareness campaigns, research and interventions developed to increase participation in ACP, this practice remains under-utilized by those who are chronically ill. This gap in practice highlights the need for further exploration of how patients, families and healthcare providers (HCP) engage with ACP as a practice that is intended to promote patient autonomy.

This talk will discuss the findings of a study which sought to gain an understanding of how patients with advanced heart failure, their families and their healthcare providers (HCP) understand and express their autonomy within the process of ACP. Findings outline the ways that the experience of autonomy in advanced HF is incongruent with the dominant individualistic approach and instead, is a relational experience that is based on relationships of trust. Additionally, although ACP is considered a practice that preserves individual autonomy, interpersonal, institutional and societal level power relationships were all heavily influential in this practice. This work can inform future research and practice endeavours which may consider the advancement of ACP and the enactment of autonomy using a relational framework.

Additional Details:

This event is free and is open to the general public.

The direct link to the seminar will be sent out to registered participants 2 hours before the event. All of the JCB Bioethics Seminars are now being live streamed to our YouTube channel. If you don’t receive the link 2 hours before the event, please head over there and click on the live stream. Subscribe to our channel to receive notices of live events.


Please email Laurie Bulchak,