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  • January 26, 2022 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm


University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics Seminar Series 2021-22


Jordan Joseph Wadden, MA, Bioethicist, Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, University of British Columbia

About this Seminar:

Some have suggested that the introduction of more and more advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to healthcare settings will run the risk of jeopardizing patient informed consent. However, these claims are typically stated as generalized reasons against AI without significant exploration or analysis. I synthesize existing statements and concerns regarding consent and combine them into two main arguments against AI – I call these the Understandability Argument and the Personhood Argument. I argue that, while these challenges may be theoretically reasonable, they do not transfer to real-world applications. Instead, allowing these worries to dictate AI policy and development in healthcare may hinder real, beneficial patient care.

Additional Details:

This event is free and is open to the general public.

The direct link to the seminar will be sent out to registered participants 2 hours before the event. The JCB Bioethics Seminars are now being live-streamed to our YouTube channel. If you don’t receive the link 2 hours before the event, please head over there and click on the live stream. Subscribe to our channel to receive notices of upcoming events.