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  • April 18, 2023 from 12:00pm to 1:00pm


Canada’s COVID-19 vaccination programs took a unique approach in several ways. During the pandemic, we saw shifts in federal rather than provincial purchasing, speed of authorization and implementation, expanding and changing vaccine recommendations over relatively short time frames, and extremely diverse programs throughout the country despite centralized recommendations from a well-established advisory committee, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI). Looking back over the past three years, what went well and what could have been improved?

In this special fireside chat, we will explore this question with two leaders who shaped Canada’s vaccine programs: Dr. Shelley Deeks, NACI chair and the Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Nova Scotia, and Dr. Roman Szumski, who led vaccination acquisition efforts at the Public Health Agency of Canada from 2020 to 2021. Join us as these leaders reflect on COVID-19 vaccine programs and share their insights on what learnings and innovations can be applied to routine immunization and public health programming in the future.