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  • January 30, 2024 from 11:00am to 12:00pm


ON-​NEIHR Webinar Series presents…

‘The Bear Teachings, in conversation with Grandmother Pauline Shirt’

The Bear Teachings are about getting us ready for the Bear Moon, which is in February. These teachings are about what the bear is bringing us, and what our responsibilities are. and the protocols of that. We are getting ourselves ready to welcome him. That is what the Grandmother Moon is telling us.

Grandmother Pauline Shirt was born and raised with her seven sisters and one brother in Alberta, Canada on the Saddle Lake Reserve, where her family raised horses and farmed the land. She is a first speaker in her Indigenous language of Plains Cree.

In the late sixties she moved her family to Toronto, where she and her then husband, the late Vern Harper raised their five children.

She has been part of an Indigenous Medicine Society since the early 1980s, where she holds a degree in sacred Indigenous Knowledge, equivalent to a PhD in western based education systems.

Pauline is a wisdom keeper and pioneer in Indigenous education, holistic health and judicial system changes in Canada. This continues to makes her well sought after for her traditional teachings, lectures, and wise counsel.