2006 Student’s Post-doctoral Fellowship Award (Yun-Hee Choi, Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation- 2 years)
Current Research Projects
Development of joint modelling approaches for cancer research
Extending risk prediction models for hereditary breast ovarian cancer
Development of polygenic risk score approaches for longitudinal studies
Development and applications of Bayesian approaches for high-dimensional genetic/genomic studies
Development of quantile regression methods in genetics
Representative Publications
Xu J, Xu W, Briollais L. A Novel Bayesian Region-Based Analysis for Next Generation Sequencing Data. Biometrics, In Press, 2020.
Rustand D, Briollais L, Tournigang C, Rondeau V. Two-part joint model for a longitudinal semicontinuous marker and a terminal event with application to metastatic colorectal cancer data. Biostatistics, In Press, 2020.
Choi YH, Briollais L, He W, Kopciuk K. FamEvent: An R Package for Generating and Modeling Time-to-Event Data in Family Designs. Journal of Statistical Software, In Press, 2020.
Choi YH, Jacqmin-Gadda H, Król A, Parfrey P, BriollaisL, Rondeau V. Joint nested frailty models for clustered recurrent and terminal events: An application to colonoscopy screening visits and colorectal cancer risks in Lynch Syndrome families. Stat Methods Med Res. 2020; 29(5):1466-1479
Dimitromanolakis A, Xu J, Krol A, Briollais L. sim1000G: a user-friendly genetic variant simulator in R for unrelated individuals and family-based designs. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019; 20(1):26.
Choi YC, Lakhal-Chaieb L, Krol A, Yu B, Buchanan D, Ahnen D, Le Marchand L, Newcomb PA, Win AK, Jenkins M, Lindor NM, Briollais L. Risks of colorectal cancer and cancer-related mortality in Familial Colorectal Cancer Type X and Lynch Syndrome families. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2018. Oct 30. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djy159. Online ahead of print.
Choi YH, BriollaisL, Win AK, Hopper J, Buchanan D, Jenkins M, Lakhal-Chaieb L. Modelling of Successive Cancer Risks in Lynch Syndrome Families in the presence of competing risks using Copulas. Biometrics 2017; 73(1): 271-282.
Briollais L, Dobra A, Liu J, Friedlander M, Ozcelik H, Massam H. A Bayesian graphical model for genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Annals of Applied Statistics 2016; 10(2): 786-811.
Wu YY, Wong A, Monette G and Briollais L. Evaluation of Third-order Method for the Test of Variance Component in Linear Mixed Models. Open Journal of Statistics 2015; 5: 233-244.
Briollais L, Durrieu G. Application of Quantile Regression to Recent Genetic and -omic Studies. Human Genetics 2014; 133(8): 951-66.
Abarin T, Li H, Wang L, Briollais L (2014) On Method of Moments Estimation in Linear Mixed Effects Models with Measurement Error on Covariates and Response with Application to Longitudinal studies of Gene-Environment Interaction. Statistics in Biosciences 6:1-18. doi:10.1007/s12561-012-9074-5.
Choi YH, Briollais L, Parfrey P, Green J, Kopciuk K. Estimating successive cancer risk in Lynch Syndrome families using a progressive three-state model. Statistics in Medicine, 2013; 33: 618-38. doi: 10.1002/sim.5938.
Choi YH, Briollais L. An EM Composite likelihood for multistage sampling of family data. Statistica Sinica 2011: 21: 231-253.
Durrieu G, Briollais L. Sequential designs for microarray experiments. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2009; 104:650-660.