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Faculty Member

Brenda Gladstone

Email Address(es)
Office Address
Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto 155 College St., #580 Toronto, ON M5T 3M7
Curriculum Vitae
Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Division
Associate Professor
SGS Status
Associate Member
Appointment Status

Research Interests

  • Sociology of childhood; and sociology of (mental) health and illness
  • Social theory
  • Critical qualitative methodology
    • Qualitative analysis
    • Ethnographic and participatory approaches
    • Arts-based health methods
    • Digital storytelling; drawing; photography, mural arts
  • Intergenerational mental health
  • Child, youth and family help-seeking processes
  • Children’s rights

Education & Training History

Doctor of Philosophy, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Other Affiliations

Associate Director, Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, University of Toronto

Primary Teaching Responsibilities

Theoretical Foundations of Qualitative Health Research (CHL5131); Qualitative Analysis and Interpretation (CHL5115), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto

Selected Honours & Awards

  1. Invited International Scientist, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LGB) Research Groups on Mental Health for Children and Adolescents, Ideas Lab, a multi-disciplinary collaboration to develop a 7-year funded program of innovative and international research focusing on children of parents with mental illness, 2017 (Vienna, Austria)
  2. Invited International Visiting Scholar, Monash University, Faculty of Education, and Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, School of Rural Health, 2016 (Melbourne, Australia)
  3. Visiting International Research Fellowship Award, the Department of Sociology, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, 2012.
  4.  New Investigator Travel Award, Institute Community Support Program, Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2012.
  5. Brain Star Award, Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health & Addiction, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2007
  6. Paul Steinhauer Award, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Research on Motivation and Schizophrenia, 1998-1999.

Current Research Projects

  1. (Co) Producing Help-seeking Narratives with Children of Parents with Mental Illnesses, Principal investigator, Gladstone, B.M., Co-investigators, Boydell, K.M., Davidson, S., Pluznick, R., SickKids Foundation and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator Award.
  2. (Co) Producing Narratives on Access to Mental Health Services in Rural Communities: A Participatory Project with Young People Experiencing Psychosis, Principal investigator, Boydell, K.M., Co-investigators, Gladstone, B.M., Co-investigators, Cheng, C., Davidson, S., Stasiulis, E., Volpe, T., Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
  3. A pragmatic randomized controlled trial of an Integrated Collaborative Care Team (ICCT) model for youth with mental health and addiction challenges. Ontario SPOR Support Unit IMPACT Award (Government of Ontario & Canadian Institutes of Health Research). Szatmari, P (NPI)
  4. HIV serodiscordant couples in Canada: A mixed-methods study of risk management, health and wellbeing for people living with HIV and their partners, Principal investigator, Calzavara, L.

Representative Publications

  1. Gladstone, B.M., and Stasiulis, E. Digital Story-telling Method in the Health and Social Sciences, In P. Liamputtong (Ed.), Volume 3, Innovative research methods in health social sciences, Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences, Springer (in press).
  2. Boydell, K.M., Gladstone, B.M., Stasiulis, E., Cheng, C. and Nadin, S. (2016). Co-producing narratives on access to care in rural communities: Using digital storytelling to foster social inclusion of young people experiencing psychosis. Studies in Social Justice. 10(2).
  3. Knibbe, T. J., Biddiss, E., Gladstone, B.M. and McPherson, A.C. (2016). Characterizing socially supportive environments relating to physical activity participation for young people with physical disabilities. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/17518423.2016.1211190
  4. Boydell, K.M., Hodgins, M., Gladstone, B., Stasiulis, E., Belliveau, G., Cheu, H., Kontos, P., and Parsons, J. (2016). Arts-based health research and academic legitimacy: Transcending hegemonic conventions. Qualitative Research. DOI: 10.1177/1468794116630040
  5. Foster, K., Maybery, D., Reupert, A., Gladstone, B., Grant, A., Ruud, T., Falkov, A., and Kowalenko, N., Family-focused practice in mental health care: an integrative review. Child & Youth Services. (Spring 2016).
  6. Gladstone, B.M. (2015). Thinking about children of parents with mental illnesses as a form of intergenerational practice. In A. Reupert, D. Maybery, J. Nicholson, M. Seeman and M. Göpfert (Eds.), Parental Psychiatric Disorder: Distressed Parents and their Families, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
  7. Boydell, K.M., Gladstone, B.M., Stasiulis, E., Volpe, E., Dhayanhandhan, B. and Cole, A. (2015). The co-creation of a mural depicting experiences of psychosis. In D. Conrad and A. Sinner (Eds.), Creating Together: Participatory, Community-based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship Across Canada. Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
  8. Gladstone, B.M., McKeever, P., Seeman, M. and Boydell, K. (2014). Analysis of a support group for children of parents with mental illnesses: Managing stressful situations. Qualitative Health Research. 24(9): 1171-1182.
  9. Boydell, K.M., Volpe, T., Gladstone, B.M., Stasiulis, E. and Addington, J. (2013). Youth at ultra-high risk for developing psychosis: Using the revised network episode model to examine pathways to mental health care. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 7(2):170-186.
  10. Gladstone, B.M., Volpe, T., Stasiulis, E. and Boydell, K.M. (2012). Judging quality in arts-based health research: The case of the ugly baby. International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interprofessional Practice. Spring Supplementary Issue. Issue 11.
  11. Boydell, K.M., Gladstone, B.M., Volpe, T., Allemang, B. and Stasiulis, E. (2012). The production and dissemination of knowledge: A scoping review of arts-based health research. Forum Qualitative Sozialforchung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 13(1), Art. 32.
  12. Gladstone, B.M., Boydell, K.M., Seeman, M. and McKeever, P. (2011). Children’s experiences of parental mental illness: A literature review. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 5: 271-289.
  13. Gladstone, B.M., Volpe, T. and Boydell, K.M. (2007). Issues encountered in a qualitative secondary analysis of help-seeking in the prodrome to psychosis. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 34(4):431-442.
  14. Gladstone, B.M., Boydell, K.M. and McKeever, P. (2006). Recasting research into children’s experiences of parental mental illness: Beyond risk and resilience. Social Science and Medicine. 62:2540-2550.