Faculty Member
Arif Jetha PhD
- Email Address(es)
- AJetha(at)iwh.on.ca
- Office Phone
- 416-927-2027 ext 2229
- Office Address
- Institute for Work Health 400 University Ave Suite 1800 Toronto, ON M5G 1S5
- Website(s)
- Institute for Work & Health
- Division(s)/Institute(s)
- Institute for Pandemics
Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Division - Position
- Associate Professor
- SGS Status
- Full Member
- Appointment Status
- Status Only
- Admin Faculty Appointment
- Social & Behavioural Health Science
- Currently Accepting Doctoral Students?
- Yes
Research Interests
- Future of work and its impact on vulnerable workers
- Artificial intelligence and changing working conditions
- Intersection between the work environment and health and social inequities
- Life course differences in the employment of people with disabilities
- Workplace accommodations, policies and programs and work disability prevention strategies
- Systems thinking and complexity science
- Survey methodology; mixed-methods research
Selected Representative Publications
Jetha A, et al. Artificial intelligence and the work–health interface: A research agenda for a technologically transforming world of work. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2023; 66(10): 815-830. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23517.
Jetha A, et al. Divided in a digital economy: Understanding disability employment inequities stemming from the application of advanced workplace technologies. SSM-Qualitative Research in Health. 2023; 3: 100293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100293.
Jetha A, et al. The future of work in shaping the employment inclusion of young adults with disabilities: a qualitative study. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2023. 42(9), pp.75-91. https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-06-2022-0154.
Jetha A, Nasir K, Van Eerd D, Gignac MAM, Martin Ginis K, Tompa E. Inclusion of young people with disabilities in the future of work: forecasting workplace, labour market and community-based strategies through an online and accessible Delphi survey methodology. BMJ Open. 2022; 12(7): e055452. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055452.
Jetha A (PA), Tucker L, Vahid Shahidi F, Backman C, Kristman VL, Hazel EM, Perlin L, Proulx L, Chen C, Gignac MAM. How does job insecurity and workplace activity limitations relate to rheumatic disease symptom trajectories in young adulthood? A longitudinal study. Arthritis Care & Research. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/acr.24982.
Jetha A (PA), Shamaee A, Bonaccio S, Gignac MAM, Tucker L, Tompa E, Bültmann U, Norman C, Banks CG, Smith P. Fragmentation in the future of work: A horizon scan examining the impact of the changing nature of work on workers experiencing vulnerability. 2021. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2021;64(8):649-666. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23262.
Jetha A (PA), Tucker L, Chen C, Gignac MAM. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employment of Canadian young adults with rheumatic disease: longitudinal survey findings. Arthritis Care & Research. 2021;73(8):1146-1152. https://doi.org/10.1002/acr.24617.
Jetha A (PA), Martin Ginis KA, Ibrahim S, Gignac MAM. The working disadvantaged: the role of age, job tenure and disability in precarious work. BMC Public Health. 2020; 20(1):1900. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09938-1.
Jetha A, Shaw R, Sinden A, Mahood Q, Gignac MAM, McColl MA, Martin Ginis MA. (2019). Work-focused interventions that support the labour market transition of young adults with chronic disabling health conditions: A systematic review. Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 76(3), 189-198.
Jetha A, Bowring J, Furrie A, Smith F, Breslin C. (2018). Supporting the transition into employment: A study of young adults living with disabilities in Canada. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 29(1):140-149.
Jetha A, Chen C, Ibrahim S, Bielecky A, Mustard C, Beaton D, Smith P. (2016) Longitudinal examination of temporality in the association between chronic disease diagnosis, work status and hours worked. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 74 (3) 184-191.
Jetha A. Pransky GP, Fish J, Hettinger LH. (2016). Return-to-work within a complex and dynamic organizational work disability system. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 26 (3): 276-285.
Selected Current Grants
Jetha A (PI), Biswas A, Bonaccio S, Dennerlein J, Frenette M, Gignac MAM, Irvin E, Khan N, Koffi M, Loewen P, Rosella L, Vahid Shahidi F, Smith B, Smith MJ, Smith P, Wu N, Zuberi D. Intelligent machines and human worker inequities: Examining the implications of artificial intelligence in the workplace. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Development Grant. 2021; 3 Years.
Jetha A (PI), Biswas A, Smith MJ, Arrandale VH, Dennerlein J, Smith P, Mustard C. Artificial intelligence and occupational injury and illness in Ontario: Implications for prevention and recovery. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Research and Grants Program. 2022; 2 years.
Tompa E (PI), Gewurtz R (Co-PI), Bonyhady B, Bruyere S, Coppin P, Coutu MF, Fleisig R, Gomez R, Jetha A (Co-I)*, Kondo T, Maisel J, Harlos K, Irvin E, Kristman V, Laberge M, Marshall CA, Moll S, Seeschaaf-Veres A, Smith-Merry J, Sultan-Taieb H, Van Eerd D, Wyndham-West C. Inclusive Design for Employment Access (IDEA) Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat: New Frontiers in Research Fund – Transformation Stream.
Jetha A. A complex transition: Examining the impact of rheumatic disease on the multifaceted experience of entering adulthood (2020). Arthritis Society Stars Career Development Salary Award. 6 years.
Jetha A (PI), Van Eerd D, Gignac M, Martin Ginis K, Tompa. (2020). Future-focused job accommodation practices for the school-to-work transition. Accessibility Standards Canada Grants and Contributions Program, Government of Canada. 3 years
Jetha A (PI), Gignac M, Hamdani S, Kristman V, Smith P. (2020). Transitioning to the future of work: An intersectional study of vulnerable youth and young adults. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada: Insight Development Grant. 2 years.
Jetha A (PI), Banks C, Bonaccio S, Bultmann U, Gignac M, Norman C, Smith P, Tompa E, Tucker L. (2019). Future-Proofing young Canadians with disabilities for the changing labour market. Tri-Agency Institutional Programs Secretariat: New Frontiers in Research Fund. 2 years.
Jetha A (PI), Backman C., Tucker L., Proulx L, Gignac, MAM. (2017). Work disability prevention for young adults living with rheumatic disease. The Arthritis Society Young Investigators Operating Grant. 3 years.
Gignac M.A.M (PI), Jetha A, Van Eerd, D, Saunders R, Smith P, Tompa E, Irvin E, MacDermid J, Breslin C, Franche R-L, Thompson A, Beaton D, Shaw W. (2018). Accommodating and Communicating about Episodic Disabilities (ACED): A Partnership to Deliver Workplace Tools and Resources to Sustain the Employment of People with Chronic, Episodic Conditions. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)-Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Joint Initiative in Healthy and Productive Work: Partnership Grant. 5 years.
Martin Ginis K (PI), Connolly C, Borisoff J, Bray J, Hayes K, Latimer-Cheung A, Mortenson B, Beauchamp M, Miller B, Noreau L, Rimmer J, Horrocks J, Tucker S, Gignac MAM, Bassett-Gunter R, Jetha A. (2014). Enhancing community participation in Canadians with physical disabilities: Development, implementation and evaluation of a partnered strategy. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC): Partnership Grant. 7 years.
Selected Media Coverage
Jetha A. (2023). AI is reshaping the workplace – but what does it mean for the health and well-being of workers? The Conversation.
Jetha A. (2021). Re-opening the economy should include access for young people with chronic disease. The Province.
Jetha A and Smith B. (2021). What employers can learn from the NBA about returning to work amid COVID-19. The Conversation.
Jetha A. (2020). The future of work will hit vulnerable workers the hardest. The Conversation.
Jetha A. (2018). Precarious work a health threat to millennials. Toronto Star.
Mustard Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2015-2016, Institute for Work & Health
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 2013-2015, Centers for Behavioral Sciences and Disability Research, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety [Privately funded academic research institute affiliated with University of Massachusetts and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health]
PhD, 2013, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Behavioural Sciences University of Toronto
MSc, 2008, Institute of Social Psychology, London School of Economics & Political Science