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Dean’s Message: July 2013

View in the July 2013 Newsletter

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Dr. Kue Young to assume position of the Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta

Dear DLSPH Community, I would like to share the news that our own Dr. Kue Young, Professor and TransCanada Chair in Aboriginal Health, will be leaving the Dalla Lana School of Public Health to assume the position of Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of...

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Paper on Encephalitis by England’s Health Protection Agency with Chief Canadian Investigator Natasha Crowcroft is one of the top 10 Cited Papers in the Lancet.

Paper on Encephalitis by England’s Health Protection Agency with Chief Canadian Investigator Natasha Crowcroft is the top 10 Cited Paper in the Lancet. A comprehensive study of the causes and outcomes of encephalitis in England has become one of the top 10 most cited papers in the Lancet Infectious...

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Dr. Izzeldinn Abuelaish is Honoured with the “Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award”

Please click the link for more info : Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Award Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish lost his wife to cancer, and — just four months later in January 2009 — Israeli shells killed three of his daughters, Bessan, 21, Mayar, 15, and Aya, 13, and his niece, Noor,...

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What is the value of Public Health? — A 2 minute video from the Canadian Public Health Association

Please click on the Link Below:

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Study Led by Professor Prabhat Jha on HIV prevention among female sex workers in India reduces HIV and syphilis

HIV prevention programs for female sex workers in India reduce rates of syphilis, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), a University of Toronto study has found. About two million Indians are infected with HIV, mostly in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. The study,...

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Prof. Wendy Lou honored as Fellow of the American Statistical Association

ALEXANDRIA VA, June 5, 13, 2013 – Prof. Wendy Lou has been named a fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA), the preeminent professional statistical society of the US, announced ASA President Marie Davidian, a professor of statistics at North Carolina State University.To be recognized as a 2013 ASA Fellow,...

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Dr. Vivek Goel awarded the Distinguished Service Award by alPHa

On Monday June 3rd, 2013, Dr. Vivel Goel was awarded a Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Local Public Health Agencies. The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) is awarded annually by the Association of Local Public Health Agencies to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contributions made to public health...

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Dean’s Message: June 2013

View in the June 2013 Newsletter

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Jessica Dennis DLSPH PhD Epidemiology student and STAGE trainee published in the journal of the British Medical Association

Jessica Dennis DLSPH PhD Epidemiology student and STAGE trainee published in the journal of the British Medical Association

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