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Team led by Professor Kue Young (Dalla Lana School of Public Health) receives $2.5 million CIHR award to conduct research on transforming circumpolar health systems

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has just announced the award of $2,455,600 over 5 years to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health under its Community-Based Primary Health Care team grant program. The award will enable the development of a research program entitled “Transforming Primary Health Care in...

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Professor Gary Sibbald (Dalla Lana School of Public Health) has won a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee MedalProfessor Gary Sibbald (Dalla Lana School of Public Health) has won a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his work in the field of wound care. He is director of the Wound Healing Clinic at Women's College Hospital.

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Professor James Scott Interviewd on CBC about the Legionnaires outbreak last summer in Quebec City

Professor James Scott Interviewd on CBC about the Legionnaires outbreak last summer in Quebec CityLINK TO INTERVIEW: The number of cases of Legionnaires’ disease in Québec City reached a total of 151 cases with 9 deaths as of August 30, 2012.The Quebec government ordered a public inquiry into...

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DLSPH Professor Jha one of four UofT faculty participating in Harvard/​MIT massive open online course initiative

DLSPH Professor Jha one of four UofT faculty participating in Harvard/MIT massive open on-line course initiativeExcerpt:On the edX platform, U of T will offer four courses in the fall of 2013:Terrestrial Energy Systems – Professor Bryan Karney, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering;Death 101: Reliable Measurement of the Causes of...

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Study by Paul Demers and colleagues reveals highest impact carcinogens in the Canadian environment and associated gaps in knowledge

Risk-based indicators of Canadians' exposures to environmental carcinogensEleanor Setton, Perry Hystad, Karla Poplawski, Roslyn Cheasley, Alejandro Cervantes-Larios, C Peter Keller and Paul A DemersAbstract (provisional) Background Tools for estimating population exposures to environmental carcinogens are required to support evidence-based policies to reduce chronic exposures and associated cancers. Our objective...

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Professor Scott and colleagues investigate factors affecting the bacterial “microbiome” in the infant gut

Baby's gut bacteria influenced by cesarean delivery and formula feedingWeblink to abstract: microbiota of healthy Canadian infants: profiles by mode of delivery and infant diet at 4 monthsNaturally-occurring Gut bacteria are increasingly being recognized as key moderators of health, yet when we are born, our bodies lack these important...

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DLSPH faculty contribute to new book on global health ethics

Global health continues to expand, engaging an increasing number of students, academics and organizations. A number of DLSPH faculty have contributed to a new textbook, co-edited by Andrew Pinto and Ross Upshur, which explores the field through the lens of ethics. Covering diverse topics including human rights, governance, clinical and...

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JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award

JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award – Call for Nomination Deadline: Monday, March, 4, 2013. Purpose: The School of Graduate Studies will award its first JJ Berry Smith Doctoral Supervision Award which recognizes outstanding performance in the multiple roles associated with doctoral (PhD) supervision. Criteria: It will be awarded annually...

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Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish appointed Order of Ontario

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, a Palestinian physician and internationally recognized humanrights and inspirational peace activist devoted to advancing health and educationopportunities for women and girls in the Middle East, through his own research and byfounding the charitable organization, The Daughters of Life Foundation in Toronto.Link to: News Release Communique

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DLSPH Student Honoured as Global ChangeMaker

Nadha Hassen, U OF T STUDENT HONOURED FOR PROMOTING YOUTH EDUCATION ON HIV/AIDSAs part of International Development Week 2013, Nadha Hassen is recognized as a Global Changemaker Toronto, ON. January 28th, 2013 — In celebration of International Development Week (IDW) from February 3-9, 2013, the Ontario Council for International Cooperation...

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