Featured Student
Loreto Fernandez Gonzalez
PhD Social and Behavioral Health Sciences (Health Promotion) Candidate
Why did you choose to join the CSGH?
I enrolled in the Collaborative Specialization in Global Health because as an international student, it seemed like a great opportunity to contribute with to own background/knowledge and at the same time understand Canadian issues using a global perspective. Also, currently global health is one of the most relevant public health fields, so in terms of professional development it was a strategic way of enhancing my CV.
What is your favourite aspect of the CSGH?
I enjoyed the Doctoral seminar [CHL5700] very much, as it was a great platform to meet professors and scholars both from inside and outside DLSPH and UofT. Also, I became knowledgeable with current global health issues that might be outside of my personal academic interests, but extremely relevant globally. It enriched my training and understanding of global health issues both in terms of topics and methods. Meeting classmates from different faculties and disciplines was a very positive experience as well.
How has the CSGH impacted your education/future goals?
The optional course I took was extremely interesting and helped me to develop my dissertation topic, so I appreciate how the curriculum is organized.
What have you learned about global health that you would like to share with prospective students?
I would recommend enrolling in the CSGH as it is a valuable way to engage in the global health agenda and enriching your viewpoint of how local health issues are always situated in a global context. In these