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The purpose of this study is to test new methods for measuring occupational exposure to flame retardants chemicals and related compounds.


We are currently recruiting people who work in offices as well as paramedics, but the study also includes firefighters.

Participation Requirements

The study will use new methods to measure flame retardant chemicals that participants encounter in the workplace and at home. We will ask participants to wear a silicone rubber wristband for 24 hours, provide two blood and two urine samples, and answer a short questionnaire about their work and leisure activities that may influence their exposure.


This study will tell us more about flame retardant exposure among three groups of workers and how the different methods of measurement compare to each other. Participants will receive a small cash honorarium ($20) for their time participating.

Location & Contact Information

In-person: we will make arrangements to visit you at home or work, or you can meet us at the University of Toronto (St George/Downtown campus)

To request more information please contact Annabel Zhang,

DLSPH Principal Investigator: Prof. Victoria Arrandale