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  • May 17, 2023 from 4:00pm to 5:30pm


The Sue MacRae Lecture on Ethics and Patient-Centred Care aims to explore the felt ethical experience of those who are sick or unwell, perhaps in their relationship to themselves, family members, caregivers, and/or systems of care. The goal is to understand how patient-centred or relationship-centred frameworks and best practices – inclusive of patient and/or family perspectives – can help illuminate and address common bioethical problems.

Full Title: Partnering equitably to coproduce mental health research: The story of a temperate radical in academic medicine


Sophie Soklaridis – Senior Scientist – CAMH Education

Associate Professor – Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation & Department of Psychiatry at University of Toronto


The question of how patients, families, healthcare providers and researchers can work together to improve patient care, can often feel elusive. Drawing on theory of relationship-centred care, Dr. Soklaridis will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of nurturing and building relationships in hospital and university environments that may not be as nimble when it comes to this kind of work. She will share stories based on her experiences working together with people with lived and learned experiences in mental health care. She will describe some of the opportunities that have led to new possibilities and pathways to achieve small wins for equitably partnering with patients and families to develop mental health research and education.