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Faculty Member

Jackie Bender PhD

Email Address(es)
Office Phone
Office Address
ELLICSR Health, Wellness and Cancer Survivorship Centre, Department of Supportive Care, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, 585 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2N2
ELLICSR Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre,
Social & Behavioural Health Sciences Division
Assistant Professor
SGS Status
Associate Member
Appointment Status
Status Only
Currently Accepting Doctoral Students?

Research Interests

  • Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care
  • Digital Health (eHealth, mHealth)
  • Implementation Science
  • Virtual Communities and Social Media
  • Peer Navigation
  • Self-management
  • Virtual Care
  • Social support

Education & Training History


PhD 2011 University of Toronto, Public Health, Social and Behavioural Health Sciences

MSc 2005 University of Toronto, Public Health, Behavioural Health Sciences

BSc 2000 McGill University, Physiology (major) and Neuroscience (minor)


Post-Doctoral Fellowship 2011-2013 Patient Education & Cancer Survivorship, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Primary Teaching Responsibilities

CHL5110 Theory and Practice of Program Evaluation

Current Research Projects

  • TrueNTH Peer Navigation: A Web-Based Peer Navigation Program for Men with Prostate Cancer and Their Partners/Caregivers.  Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Source: Prostate Cancer Canada and Movember.
  • Connect 4 Health: Needs and Requirements for a Peer Navigation Digital App for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Role: Principal Investigator. Source: ARCC.
  • Establishing Best Practices in Online Cancer Support Groups: A Realist Review. Role: Principal Investigator. Source: CIHR.
  • BETTER Women: Sustainable and Scalable Prevention of Chronic Disease in Women using Peer Health Coaches. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Source: Public Health Agency of Canada.
  • Virtualizing Cancer Survivorship: Implementing a More Timely and Comprehensive Model of Follow-Up Care. Co-Principal Investigator. Source CCSRI/CIHR Survivorship Team Grant.
  • Canadian Cancer Rehabilitation (CanRehab) Team: Improving the systematic identification, management and treatment of adverse effects of cancer. Role: Co-Investigator. Source: CCSRI/CIHR Survivorship Team Grant.
  • Building an Artificial Intelligence System to Enhance Online Support Groups in Cancer. Role: Co-Investigator. Source: OICR.
  • Improving our Capacity to Sustain New Knowledge and Tools in Cancer Care. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Source: Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute.
  • Integration of Movement Breaks into the Undergraduate Classroom: Keeping Students and Instructors Active and Engaged. Role: Co-Principal Investigator. Source: University of Toronto Learning and Education Advancement Fund.

Representative Publications

  1. Bender JL, Hueniken K, Eng L, Brown CM, Kassirian S, Geist I, Balaratnam K, Liang M, Paulo CB, Geist A, Rao P, MAgony A, Smith E, Xiu W, Liu G, Gupta AA, Internet and Social Media Use in Cancer Patients: Association with Distress and Perceived Benefits and Limitations. Psycho-Oncology (In Review). Principal Author.
  2. Bender JL, Flora PK, Milosevic E, Soheilipour S, Maharaj N, Dirlea M, Parvin L, Matthew A, Kazanjian A. Training Prostate Cancer Peer Navigators: A Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Blended Learning, Competency-Based Training Program for Prostate Cancer. J Supportive Care in Cancer. EPub ahead of Print July 2 2020. Principal Author.
  3. Urquhart R, Kendell C, Cornelissen E, Madden LL, Powell BJ, Kissmann G, Richmond SA, Willis C, Bender JL. Defining sustainability in practice: Views from implementing real-world innovations in health care. BMC Health Services Res. 2020; 20(1):87. Senior Author.
  4. Bender JL, Feldman-Stewart D, Tong C, Lee K, Brundage M, Pai H, Robinson J, Panzarella T. Factors associated with Health-Related Internet Use among Men with Prostate Cancer in Canada: A Cancer Registry Survey. JMIR. 2019;21(11):e14241. Principal Author.
  5. Flora, PK, Bender JL, Miller AS, Parvin L, Soheillipour S, Maharaj N, Matthew A, Kazanjian A. A Core Competency Framework for Prostate Cancer Peer Navigation. J Supportive Care in Cancer.
    2020 Jun;28(6):2605-2614. Co-Senior Author.
  6. Kwan JY, Croke J, Panzarella A, Liu FF, Fyles L, Koch A, Dinniwell R, Levin W, McCready D, Chung C, Bender JL. Personalizing post-treatment cancer care: A cross-sectional survey of the needs and preferences of well survivors of breast cancer. Current Oncology 2019;26(2): e138-146. Senior Author.
  7. Maharaj N, Soheilipour S, Bender JL, Kazanjian A. Understanding Prostate Cancer Patients and Caregivers Support Needs: How Do They Manage Living with Cancer? Illness, Crisis & Loss. 2018. Co-Senior Author.
  8. Voruganti T, Grunfeld E, Mukawza T, Bender JL. A Scoping Review of Web-Based Tools for Text-based Patient-Provider Communication in Chronic Conditions. JMIR 2017;19(10):e366. Senior Author.
  9. Bender JL. What is the role of Virtual Communities in Cancer Care? Scope, Use, and Impact in the era of Personalized Medicine. In C. El Morr editor, Novel Applications of Virtual Communities in Healthcare Settings. IGI Global: 2017. Sole Author.
  10. Bender JL, Cyr A, Arbuckle L, Ferris LE. Ethics and Privacy Implications of Internet and Social Media Recruitment for Health Research: A Privacy-by-Design Framework for Research Recruitment Online. JMIR. 2017; 19(4): e104. Principal Author.
  11. Bender JL, Wiljer D, Sawka A, Tsang R, Alkazaz N, Brierley J. Thyroid Cancer Survivors’ Perceptions of Survivorship Care Follow-up Options: A Cross-Sectional, Mixed-Method Survey. J Support Care Cancer.  2016; 24(5):2007-15. Principal Author.
  12. Bender JL, Yue R, To MJ, Deacken L, Jadad AR. A lot of action; not in the right direction: A review and content analysis of cancer-focused smartphone applications. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2013;15(12):e287. Principal Author.
  13. Bender JL, Katz J, Ferris LE, Jadad AR. What is the role of online support from the perspective of facilitators of face-to-face support groups? A multi-method study of the use of breast cancer online communities. Patient Education & Counseling. 2013;93(3): 472-479. Principal Author.
  14. Bender JL, Jimenez-Marroquin MC, Ferris LE, Katz J, Jadad AR. Online communities for breast cancer survivors: A review and analysis of their characteristics and levels of use. J Support Care in Cancer. 2013; 21(5): 1253-63. Principal Author.
  15. Bender JL, Wiljer D, Matthew A, Canil MC, Legere L, Loblaw A, Jewett MAS. Fostering partnerships in survivorship care: Report of the 2011 Canadian genitourinary cancers survivorship conference. J Cancer Survivorship. 2012; 6(3):296-304. Principal Author.
  16. Bender JL, Wiljer D, To, M, Bedard P, Chung P, Jewett M, Matthew A, Moore M, Warde P, Gospodarowicz M. Testicular cancer survivors’ supportive care needs and use of online support: A cross-sectional survey. J Support Care in Cancer. 2012; 20(11):2737-46. Principal Author.
  17. Bender JL, O’Grady LA, Desphande A, Cortinois AA, Saffie L, Husereau D, Jadad AR. Collaborative authoring: A case study of a public wiki as a resource to keep systematic reviews up to date. Open Medicine. 2011;5(4):201-208. Principal Author.
  18. Bender JL, Radhakrishnan A, Diorio C, Englesakis M, Jadad AR. Can pain be managed through the Internet? A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Pain. 2011;152(8):1740-50.
  19. Bender JL, Jimenez-Marroquin MC, Jadad AR. Seeking support on Facebook: A content analysis of breast cancer groups. JMIR. 2011;13(1):e16. Principal Author.